Chris Mackaness

Former Director and Head of Retail at GVA Grimley (now Avison Young), he has specialised in retail warehouse, foodstore and leisure property for over 35 years.

In 1984 he established and set up the “out of town,” retail department at DTZ specialising in retail warehousing and foodstores. He subsequently moved to GVA Grimley in 1991 to head their retail warehouse department and foodstore team. In 1997 he became national Head of Retail within the company.

Consultancy role at Colliers International Retail Team from December 2012 until February 2015 working with the Retail Team advising on factory outlets, supermarket, retail warehousing, leisure agency and investment work.

Chris was a founder member of Accessible Retail, formerly OTRAS (The Out of Town Retail Agents Society) and is now an Honoury Life Member.

A Liveryman with the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers and a Freeman of the City of London.

He was past Chairman of the National Surveyors Seven aside rugby tournament held at Richmond, Surrey. A keen sportsman having played rugby for Northampton Saints, Richmond and English Students and now watches as much sport as he can!

Email Address: [email protected]

Phone No: 07836 210625